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Tag: safety

To Fly Or Not To Fly

When the pandemic started, most people cancelled their travel plans and did not want to travel by plane.  As summer approached, Paul and I were trying to decide if we would make our annual summer trip to Bay View, Michigan, I have never missed a summer there in my life.  And when the airlines came out with the policy of waiving penalties for any changes, we thought, what the heck, we will plan and see what happens next.  Fast forward to July, with our travel dates approaching and the worsening of the pandemic, we were questioned by friends and family, are you really going to fly?   I had been following the industry announcements and webinars with great interest and was confident that if the proper protocols were in place, we would be safe flying.  So, on July 17th, we boarded our flight to Chicago armed with masks, face shields, wipes, and hand sanitizer.


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